Plant Image Gallery - Caryophyllaceae |
Agrostemma githago -
Cultivated, Berlin, Germany (whole plants) Agrostemma githago - Cultivated, Berlin, Germany (flower) Agrostemma githago - Image by Peter Schoenfelder (flower) Agrostemma githago - Image by Bernd Liebermann; cultivated, at Jena, Thuringia, Germany (flower) Arenaria balearica - Native, from Puig de Masanella, Mallorca, Spain (whole plant) Arenaria balearica - Native, from Puig de Masanella, Mallorca, Spain (flower, side-view) Arenaria balearica - Native, from Puig de Masanella, Mallorca, Spain (flower, plan-view) Arenaria ciliata - Image by Bernd Liebermann; native, from European Alps, Berner Oberland, Switzerland (whole plant) Arenaria leptoclados - Native, from Puig de Masanella, Mallorca, Spain (whole plant) Arenaria leptoclados - Native, from Puig de Masanella, Mallorca, Spain (inflorescence) Cerastium arvense - Image by Bernd Liebermann; native, from Sonneberg, Thuringia, Germany (whole plant) Cerastium arvense - Image by Bernd Liebermann; native, from Sonneberg, Thuringia, Germany (inflorescence) Cerastium arvense - Native, from Natural Reserve "Hellberge", Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Cerastium arvense - Native, from Natural Reserve "Hellberge", Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (branch in flower) Cerastium arvense - Native, from Berlin, Germany (flower close) Cerastium latifolium - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) Cerastium latifolium - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) Cerastium latifolium - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) Cerastium semidecandrum - Native, from Anklam, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Cerastium semidecandrum - Native, from Anklam, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Cerastium semidecandrum - Native, from Anklam, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (inflorescence) Cerastium strictum - Cultivated, at Greifswald Botanical Garden, Greifswald, Germany (whole plant) Cerastium strictum - Cultivated, at Greifswald Botanical Garden, Greifswald, Germany (flower, plan-view) Cerastium strictum - Cultivated, at Greifswald Botanical Garden, Greifswald, Germany (flower, side-view) Cerastium uniflorum - Native, from Schneeberghuette, Oberes Passeiertal, South Tirol, Italy (whole plant); Image by Bernd Liebermann Dianthus carthusianorum - Native, from N.P. "Unteres Odertal", Brandenburg, Germany (whole plant) Dianthus carthusianorum - Native, from Natural Reserve "Leutratal", Thuringia, Germany (inflorescence); Image by Bernd Liebermann Dianthus carthusianorum - Native, from N.P. "Unteres Odertal", Brandenburg, Germany (inflorescence, side-view) Dianthus carthusianorum - Native, from N.P. "Unteres Odertal", Brandenburg, Germany (inflorescence, plan-view) Dianthus compactus - Native, from Bieszczady Mountains, Poland (whole plant) Dianthus compactus - Native, from Bieszczady Mountains, Poland (whole plant) Dianthus compactus - Native, from Bieszczady Mountains, Poland (inflorescence) Dianthus compactus - Native, from Bieszczady Mountains, Poland (flowers) Dianthus cruentus - Native, from Tara Mountains, Serbia (whole plant) Dianthus cruentus - Native, from Tara Mountains, Serbia (inflorescence) Dianthus cruentus - Native, from Tara Mountains, Serbia (flower) Dianthus deltoides - Native, from Hiddensee Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Dianthus deltoides - Image by Bernd Liebermann; native, from Holzland, Thuringia, Germany (flowers) Dianthus deltoides - Native, from Hiddensee Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (flower) Dianthus deltoides - For high resolution images see separate page with images added since 2016 Dianthus seguieri - Cultivated (whole plant) Dianthus seguieri - Cultivated (flower) Dianthus sternbergii - Image by Bernd Liebermann; native, from European Alps, Slovenia (whole plant) Dianthus superbus ssp. longicalycinus - Image from Yamasaki Lab. Plant Photo Gallery, from Hiroshima, Japan (flower) Dianthus superbus ssp. speciosus - Image from Yamasaki Lab. Plant Photo Gallery, from Nagano, Japan (flower) Dianthus sylvestris - Native, from Schneeberghuette, Oberes Passeiertal, South Tirol, Italy (flowers); Image by Bernd Liebermann Dianthus sylvestris - Native, from Berlin, Germany (flower close) Gymnocarpos decander - Native, Jandia Peninsula, from Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain (habitat) Gymnocarpos decander - Native, Jandia Peninsula, from Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain (whole plant) Gymnocarpos decander - Native, Jandia Peninsula, from Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain (branch in flower) Gymnocarpos decander - Native, Jandia Peninsula, from Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain (flower) Gypsophila paniculata - Cultivated, at Greifswald Botanical Garden, Germany (whole plant) Gypsophila paniculata - Cultivated, at Greifswald Botanical Garden, Germany (whole plant) Gypsophila paniculata - Image by Peter Schoenfelder (flowering plant) Gypsophila repens - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) Gypsophila repens - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) Gypsophila repens - Native, from Malbun, European Alps, Liechtenstein (branch in flower) Gypsophila repens - Native, from Malbun, European Alps, Liechtenstein (flower) Herniaria glabra - Native, from Hiddensee Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Herniaria glabra - Image by Peter Schoenfelder (flowering plant) Herniaria glabra - Native, from Hiddensee Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (branch in flower) Herniaria hirsuta - Image by Peter Schoenfelder (flowering plant) Herniaria sp. - Image by Peter Schoenfelder (Herniariae herba) Honckenya peploides - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Honckenya peploides - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (flower) Honckenya peploides - Native, from Hiddensee Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole, fruiting plant) Honckenya peploides - Native, from Hiddensee Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (fruits) Lychnis flos-cuculi - Native, from Peene-Valley, Germany (whole plant) Lychnis flos cuculi - Native, Germany, Brandenburg, Teschendorf (inflorescence) Lychnis flos-cuculi - Native, from Brandenburg, Germany (inflorescence) Lychnis viscaria - Native, from Peene-Valley, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Lychnis viscaria - Native, from Holzland, Thuringia, Germany (inflorescence); Image by Bernd Liebermann Lychnis viscaria - Native, from Natural Reserve "Geesower Huegel", Brandenburg, Germany (flower) Minuartia laricifolia - Native, from European Alps, Oberes Passeiertal, South Tirol, Italy (whole plant); Image by Bernd Liebermann Minuartia rupestris - Native, from European Alps, Pens, Sarntal, Italy (whole plant) Minuartia sedoides - Native, from Alpes Maritimes, Vallon d' Empuonrame, France (whole plant) Minuartia sedoides - Native, from Alpes Maritimes, Col de la Bonette, France (flowers) Minuartia sedoides - Native, from Alpes Maritimes, Vallon d' Empuonrame, France (flowers) Minuartia verna - Native, from Alpes Maritimes, Isola 2000, France (whole plant) Minuartia verna - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) Minuartia verna - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (flowers) Minuartia verna - Native, from Col de Salčse, Alpes Maritimes, France (flower) Minuartia verna ssp. hercynica - Native, from Langelsheim, Lower Saxony, Germany (whole plant) Minuartia verna ssp. hercynica - Native, from Langelsheim, Lower Saxony, Germany (flower, side-view) Minuartia verna ssp. hercynica - Native, from Langelsheim, Lower Saxony, Germany (flower, plan-view) Minuartia webbii - Native, Jandia Peninsula, from Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain (whole plant) Minuartia webbii - Native, Jandia Peninsula, from Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain (branch in flower) Minuartia webbii - Native, Jandia Peninsula, from Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain (flower) Moehringia ciliata - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) Moehringia muscosa - Native, from Tara Mountains, Serbia (whole plant) Moehringia muscosa - Native, from Tara Mountains, Serbia (flower, plan-view) Moehringia muscosa - Native, from Tara Mountains, Serbia (flower, side-view) Moehringia trinervia - Native, from Natural Reserve "Hellberge", Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Moehringia trinervia - Native, from Natural Reserve "Hellberge", Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (branch in flower) Moehringia trinervia - Native, from Natural Reserve "Hellberge", Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (branch in flower) Moehringia trinervia - Native, from Natural Reserve "Hellberge", Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (flower) Myosoton aquaticum - Native, from Natural Reserve "Geesower Huegel", Brandenburg, Germany (whole plant) Myosoton aquaticum - Native, from Natural Reserve "Geesower Huegel", Brandenburg, Germany (flower) Paronychia macrosepala - Native, from Erimoupolis, Crete, Greece (whole plant) Paronychia macrosepala - Native, from Erimoupolis, Crete, Greece (inflorescence) Polycarpaea divaricata - Native, from Las Carboneras, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (whole plant) Polycarpaea divaricata - Native, from Las Carboneras, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (inflorescence) Polycarpaea divaricata - Native, from Las Carboneras, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (inflorescence, close) Polycarpaea latifolia - Native, from Monte de Las Mercedes, Anaga Mountains, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (whole plant) Polycarpaea latifolia - Native, from Monte de Las Mercedes, Anaga Mountains, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (whole plant) Polycarpaea latifolia - Native, from Monte de Las Mercedes, Anaga Mountains, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (flowering stem) Polycarpaea nivea - Native, from Fuerteventura, Jandia Peninsula, Canary Islands, Spain (whole plant) Polycarpaea nivea - Native, from Fuerteventura, Jandia Peninsula, Canary Islands, Spain (whole plant) Polycarpaea nivea - Native, from Fuerteventura, Jandia Peninsula, Canary Islands, Spain (inflorescence) Saponaria ocymoides - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) Saponaria ocymoides - Native, from Alpes Maritimes, Isola 2000, France (whole plant) Saponaria ocymoides - Native, from Alpes Maritimes, Isola 2000, France (flower) Saponaria officinalis - Native, from Lange-Damm-Wiesen, Strausberg, Brandenburg, Germany (whole plant) Saponaria officinalis - Native, from Lange-Damm-Wiesen, Strausberg, Brandenburg, Germany (inflorescence) Saponaria officinalis - Native, from Lange-Damm-Wiesen, Strausberg, Brandenburg, Germany (flower) Saponaria officinalis - Image from Yamasaki Lab. Plant Photo Gallery, from Shimane, Japan (whole plant) Scleranthus annuus - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Germany (whole plant) Scleranthus annuus - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Germany (inflorescence) Scleranthus perennis - Native, from Natural Reserve "Zeisigberg bei Wuhden", Brandenburg, Germany (whole plant) Scleranthus perennis - Native, from Brandenburg, Germany (inflorescence); Image by Bernd Liebermann Scleranthus perennis - Native, from Natural Reserve "Zeisigberg bei Wuhden", Brandenburg, Germany (inflorescence) Scleranthus perennis - Native, from Natural Reserve "Zeisigberg bei Wuhden", Brandenburg, Germany (Blüten) Silene acaulis - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) Silene acaulis - Image by Bernd Liebermann; native, from European Alps, Berner Oberland, Switzerland (whole plant) Silene acaulis - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (flowers) Silene acaulis - Native, from European Alps, San Bernardino, Switzerland (flower) Silene alpestris - Cultivated, at Greifswald Botanical Garden, Germany (whole plant) Silene alpestris - Cultivated, at Greifswald Botanical Garden, Germany (flower) Silene behen - Native, from Milatos, Crete, Greece (whole plant) Silene behen - Native, from Milatos, Crete, Greece (flower) Silene cambessedesii - Cultivated, at Sóller Botanical Garden, Mallorca, Spain (whole plant) Silene campanula - Native, from Alpes Maritimes, Isola 2000, France (whole plant) Silene campanula - Native, from Alpes Maritimes, Isola 2000, France (flower) Silene colorata - Native, from Migliarino, Toskana, Italy (flowers); Image by Bernd Liebermann Silene colorata ssp. colorata - Native, from Asprouliana, Crete, Greece (whole plant) Silene colorata ssp. colorata - Native, from Asprouliana, Crete, Greece (flower) Silene conica - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Silene conica - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (inflorescence) Silene conica - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (flower) Silene conica - Native, from Brandenburg, Germany (kalyx); Image by Bernd Liebermann Silene cretica - Native, from Selena Oro, Crete, Greece (inflorescence) Silene cretica - Native, from Selena Oro, Crete, Greece (inflorescence) Silene cretica - Native, from Selena Oro, Crete, Greece (flower) Silene dioica - Native, from Greifswald, Germany (whole plant) Silene dioica - Native, from Greifswald, Germany (inflorescences) Silene dioica - Native, from European Alps, Zillertal/Hochfuegen, Austria (habitat) Silene dioica - Native, from European Alps, Zillertal/Hochfuegen, Austria (whole plant) Silene dioica - Image by Bernd Liebermann; native, from Oberfranken/Itzstausee, Germany (inflorescence) Silene gallica - Native, from Santiago del Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (whole plant) Silene gallica - Native, from La Spezia, Montemarcello Magra, Italy (inflorescence); Image by Bernd Liebermann Silene gallica - Native, from Santiago del Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (flowers) Silene gallica - Native, from Ariany, Mallorca, Spain (flower) Silene italica - Native, from Alpes Maritimes, Isola 2000, France (whole plant) Silene italica - Native, from Alpes Maritimes, Isola 2000, France (flowers) Silene italica - Native, from Alpes Maritimes, Isola 2000, France (flower) Silene latifolia - Native, from Germany, Ost-Vorpommern district (whole plant) Silene latifolia - Native, from Germany, Ost-Vorpommern district (inflorescence) Silene latifolia - Image by Bernd Liebermann; native, from Central Saale Valley, Thuringia, Germany (flower) Silene mollissima - Cultivated, at Sóller Botanical Garden, Mallorca, Spain (whole plant) Silene mollissima - Cultivated, at Sóller Botanical Garden, Mallorca, Spain (inflorescence) Silene mollissima - Cultivated, at Sóller Botanical Garden, Mallorca, Spain (flower) Silene nutans - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Silene nutans - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (flower) Silene otites - Native, from N.P. "Unteres Odertal", Brandenburg, Germany (whole plant) Silene otites - Native, from N.P. "Unteres Odertal", Brandenburg, Germany (leaves) Silene otites - Native, from Migliarino, Toskana, Italy (inflorescence); Image by Bernd Liebermann Silene otites - Native, from N.P. "Unteres Odertal", Brandenburg, Germany (inflorescence) Silene otites - Native, from N.P. "Unteres Odertal", Brandenburg, Germany (flower) Silene pusilla - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) Silene pusilla - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (inflorescence) Silene rupestris - Native, from European Alps, Oberes Passeiertal, South Tirol, Italy (whole plant); Image by Bernd Liebermann Silene rupestris - Native, from Alpes Maritimes, Vallon d' Empuonrame, France (whole plant) Silene rupestris - Native, from Alpes Maritimes, Vallon d' Empuonrame, France (flower) Silene saxifraga - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) Silene saxifraga - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (flower) Silene secundiflora - Native, from Alcudia Peninsula, Mallorca, Spain (inflorescence) Silene secundiflora - Native, from Puig de Sa Tudossa, Mallorca, Spain (flower, front-view) Silene secundiflora - Native, from Puig de Sa Tudossa, Mallorca, Spain (flower, side-view) Silene sendtneri - Native, from Tara Mountains, Serbia (whole plant) Silene sendtneri - Native, from Tara Mountains, Serbia (inflorescence) Silene sendtneri - Native, from Tara Mountains, Serbia (flowers) Silene succulenta ssp. corsica - Native, from Serra-di-Ferro, Corsica, France (whole plant) Silene vulgaris - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) Silene vulgaris - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Germany (whole plant) Silene vulgaris - Image by Bernd Liebermann; native, from European Alps, Berner Oberland, Switzerland (whole plant) Silene vulgaris - Image by Bernd Liebermann; native, from European Alps, Berner Oberland, Switzerland (inflorescence) Silene vulgaris - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Germany (inflorescence) Silene vulgaris - Native, Natural Reserve "Geesower Huegel", Brandenburg, Germany (inflorescence) Silene vulgaris - Native, Natural Reserve "Geesower Huegel", Brandenburg, Germany (flower) Spergula arvensis - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Spergula arvensis - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (flower) Spergularia marina - Native, from Hiddensee Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Spergularia marina - Native, from Trassenheide, Usedom Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (inflorescence); Image by Bernd Liebermann Spergularia marina - Native, from Hiddensee Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (flower) Spergularia morisonii - Native, from Briese-Valley, Brandenburg, Germany (whole plant) Spergularia morisonii - Native, from Briese-Valley, Brandenburg, Germany (flower) Spergularia rubra - Native, from European Alps, Zillertal/Hochfuegen, Austria (whole plant) Spergularia rubra - Image by Bernd Liebermann; native, from Schalkau/Oberfranken, Germany (inflorescence) Spergularia rubra - Native, from European Alps, Zillertal/Hochfuegen, Austria (inflorescence) Spergularia rubra - Native, from European Alps, Zillertal/Hochfuegen, Austria (flowers) Stellaria graminea - Native, from Hiddensee Island, Germany (whole plant) Stellaria graminea - Native, from Hiddensee Island, Germany (flower) Stellaria graminea - For high resolution images see separate page with images added since 2016 Stellaria holostea - Image by Bernd Liebermann; native, from Central Saale Valley, Thuringia, Germany (whole plant) Stellaria holostea - Image by Bernd Liebermann; native, from Jena, Thuringia, Germany (whole plant) Stellaria holostea - Native, from Germany, Greifswald (whole plant) Stellaria holostea - Native, from Germany, Greifswald (inflorescence) Stellaria holostea - Native, from Germany, Greifswald (flower, close) Stellaria media - Native, from Menzlin, Ostvorpommern district, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Stellaria media - Native, from Menzlin, Ostvorpommern district, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (flower) Stellaria nemorum - Native, from Greifswald, Germany (whole plant) Stellaria nemorum - Native, from Greifswald, Germany (inflorescence) Stellaria nemorum - Native, from Greifswald, Germany (inflorescence, close) Stellaria nemorum - Native, from Greifswald, Germany (flower, side view) Stellaria nemorum - Native, from Greifswald, Germany (flower-close, gynoeceum) Stellaria palustris - Native, from Natural Reserve "Kieshofer Moor", Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant) Stellaria palustris - Native, from Natural Reserve "Kieshofer Moor", Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (branch in flower) Stellaria palustris - Native, from Natural Reserve "Kieshofer Moor", Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (whole plant); Image by Bernd Liebermann Stellaria palustris - Native, from Hiddensee-Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (flower) unknown species - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) unknown species - Native, from European Alps, South Tyrol, Dolomites, Italy (whole plant) |
For more pictures see TAMU Vascular Plant Image Gallery - Caryophyllaceae* |